At SIGNofReflection we go the extra mile to ensure quality signage for your business. ... Whether you need a modern shop or restaurant sign, traditional sign boards or bespoke signs we're here to help at every stage of the process
Some of our recent projects
Forever & Ever Tattoo Shop
Bournemouth Triangle
A shop front you just knew was going to be fantastic once finished. This comprises on halo illuminated 10mm cut PVc lettering, a custom fabricated sign tray to cover differing fascia levels, full colour digital prints, cut vinyl graphics & a complete replacement of their etch privacy film. This is a perfect example of our complete shop sign service & looks amazing at night!

A great example of our 50mm return acrylic built up lettering. The existing fascia panel was cleaned of the previous graphics & covered in a high quality bubblegum pink matte. Built up cerise & white faced lettering, with a 50mm black return. This finish was initially created from a photo emailed by the customer asking if the lettering style could be the same
Perfect Nails, Winton Banks
Sushi Hunter
Richmond Gardens Shopping Centre
Bournemouth Town Centre
A very enjoyable fascia sign to make for SUSHI HUNTER. A very specific finish requested using various materials, including pvc, timber, laminated timber & aluminium composite. A natural finish was the desired outcome, and we feel that was definately achieved with their bespoke internal fascia sign.

Chips Ahoy
East Howe, Bournemouth
Putting our 60 inch latex printer into action for this lightbox for Chips Ahoy. Another money saver for the customer as we offered to re use their existing acrylic panels. This option saving them 100's of pounds, but worth the effort to get the customer exactly what they were after at a fraction of the cost
Francesco Group
Saxon Square, Christchurch
Offering a service that were not too sure how many other companies will. Removal of the existing built up lettering & preparation of the existing fabricated sign trays for new overlaying fascia panels. New panels fitted with a custom matte laminated olive printed background. 10mm black pvc letters with a 3mm brushed aluminium composite lettering face.

Flash Harrys
Poole High Street
This aluminium composite sign tray is the perfect example of how slick & stylish the final finish can be. A very simple but effective finish to Flash Harrys. They were thrilled with the outcome & service provided, and instructed SIGNofReflection to complete the installation of their 2nd branch in Hamworthy.
Optmis Ltd
Bournemouth Triangle
Told on a few occassions that they could not achieve the signage that they were after. Was this because other companies didnt like the idea, were not up for the challenge, or didnt make the enough money. We will never know! But this shop front was an achievement due to its size & working with the existing sign panels in situe. But a great outcome, with a full carbon fiber fascia wrap, illuminated build up logos & halo lit lettering. Its definately going to be a trend setter in Bournemouth Triangle.

The Juniper Lounge
Lansdown Roundabout, Bournemouth
A classic illuminated high closs sign tray was fitted for The Juniper Lounge. Assisting them with their complete update to the old Downes Wine Bar on the Lansdwon Roundabout, right next to the Bournemouth University.
Homer Estate Agents
Ensbury Park, Bournemouth
More than just a complete frontage installation for Homer Estates. Here we installed a new 100mm return alminuium composite sign tray with a combination of 3D built up & fret cut illuminated fascia panels. Also installing vinyl & full colour window graphics along with assisting them with the installation of their LED estate agent window displays.
You will laso see the vehicle graphics installation completed on their sales car. A partial wrap & cut vinyl graphics instal.

Waterfalls Recruitment
5 Ways Roundabout in Charminster
This installation was a complete re fit of all electrical illumination & signage. Fully fret cut gloss finshed aluminium composite sign trays, with illuminated acrylic lettering. A 1m, 100mm deep fully illuminated & fabricated acrylic logo, to add that extra wow factor to the face of the business.

Cafe Tamago
Winton High Street, Opposite Weatherspoons
A very effective finish, but more simple example of one of our fascia signs. New aluminium composite panels, wrapped in a custom printed background colour. Finished off with 10mm pvc lettering, fitted on sign locators for additional character.